Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jasper is TWO

Figure i better get back on track--a year later and Jasper turned TWO June 7, 2010! A swim, sand, and camping birthday with airplane cakes, a treasure hunt and a picture with what is supposed to be the Wright Brothers airplane! Hahaha!! "Thnx Honee!!" Pictures of Daryn and Jasper riding his birthday present r on our flickr page:)

The Terrible Two's you say?? well, Jasper's first go at this was climbing out of his crib! It only lasted a week while family was visiting and we were travelling (the little man was feeling the, out of sync vibe). Then it was back to normal sleep patterns and schedules. We loved having the party at Thousand Trails, near the Casino, pool, horseshoes, etc. FUN times and Jasper loved having his family and friends to celebrate with.

Friday, September 4, 2009

climbing. climbing. climbing.

Jasper, in the last few months of summer; has been climbing in, on, and up everything he possibly can! He has figured out how to climb into his bottom drawer (in the kitchen) to open the drawers above the bottom one. yah. So, i made the second to bottom drawer his too. but that was still not enough. You see, Jasper is a bit taller than most 15 month old boys. At his one year check up he was 32 inches and 23 pounds! That was three months ago! He is already growing out of his 18 month old jeans (in length not waist); so, like myself, i'm always on the lookout for the perfect boy jeans.

So, on to longer, bigger, and maybe better styles, toys, and HAIRCUTS!! I am bringing Jasper into the Grotto tomorrow for his first haircut! Luckily Daryn was not in charge of this department. Daryn and his buddy had a great idea to give him a buzz mohawk...luckily they could not find a Seahawks jersey anywhere to give him a Hawk with the Hawk!! It is a cute idea and possibly in Jasper's near future, but not his first cut.

Like i explained earlier, Jasper is climbing. He also loves to climb on the couch and sit and watch t.v. i know, i know. not a good idea and less than an hour of t.v. time a day. But no worries about that with our little guy. Jasper never sits too long. I think he pretends to be a good boy so that he can suddenly snatch whichever remote control is closest to him!! We have three remotes...a bit out of control...and just recently i have been gearing up to purchase the universal remote. My mom and step-dad have one and it is AWESOME!! So then, Jasper can really mess up the system when he finds the one remote by randomly pushing EVERY BUTTON! Hmmmm.. maybe that's not such a good idea!

Jasper is still sleeping thru the nite and he is still taking two naps. I thought he was down to one; but he loves his naps, and occasionally he will only take one nap-if he is playing hard and has some juice or something to keep him going.

Oh, he loves picking up apples from our tree out back and taking bites! Plums too. I can't believe that I actually found something from the ground that jasper CAN eat! I monitor the good from the bad of course. And, he actually eats the fruit, unlike some things i find in his mouth that he just stores in his cheeks and moves around from side to side. YUCK, i know. But what can i do?!

Daryn has been teaching Jasper to do somersaults! Jasper loves to attempt to stand on his head when he is super tired... i think that gave Daryn the idea to help him flip over! Also, it was a friends idea to get jasper into Gymnastics. We both think this will be awesome for him; and once we are back from Oregon, we're putting him in a class.

I can't believe Jasper is getting so big so fast. He is opening doors, fitting blocks thru his shapes boat, taking off and putting back on his gears on his gear toy. He still loves his books and loves to turn the pages. Daryn and I are so happy to have such a happy and brilliant boy.

thx. for sharing and caring.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jasper is ONE

these pictures are from may and june 2009. We are so happy to have a wonderful son. Who can dance, sign a little, mimic, swim with help, learn and love. We love our Jasper Honorio.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jasper Cruising and Crawling

Ahhh, watch out for Jasper! He is crawling everywhere and loves ALL the rooms in the house...wherever mommy is, or any visitors too.  He loves to say hello by using a leg to stand up on...seriously, he loves people and when u come around, he will let u know by saying hello this way.

We started a swim class and Jasper just loves the water. Today Nana came and we showed her how to float on our backs and SPLASH!... Jasper loves splashing..He is such a boy.  He sleeps so well after a nice swim too.

Dad has been gone the last month and was home recently for a week.  Jasper was SO happy to hang out with his Dad and loved the sunny family day at Frank's Beach to farewell Daddy again this time to Montucky.  Cold, cold, cold...

Jasper is growing so fast and is very tall for his age.  He is not chunky; not skinny, just tall and just right.  I think he'll be standing on his own soon, until then, he loves standing on everything, even the walls and Cruising around just about anything that he can.

until next time...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jasper at Six Months

Jasper has been lunging!  He does pushups, gets up on his toes with his butt in the air, then lunges forward.  Repeat, repeat until he gets to where he wants to go... Oh and he goes far sometimes! He gets something like the stereo, the christmas tree lights, etc. and he goes for it.  

His new thing is reaching for stuff on the ottoman, crawling into the bathroom and the kitchen! He is very mobile and loves a good laugh.  We laugh and giggle throughout the day and he loves it when i am on his level...who doesn't? so I play with him wherever he is... 

I am just starting to let him cry it out to go to sleep by himself.  It is the toughest thing for a mother to hear their child cry; but in the long run, he will eventually go to sleep without having to be rocked or sung to for twenty minutes.  Like right now... he just fell asleep after fussing for five minutes (afternoon nap-time).

He loves walks in the morning. He needs to get out of the house and it gives him a nice cushion for a morning nap.  

Oh, he's babbling too...da. da. uhda. meu!... yeah, it's cute and i love his growl... I started him on this while we were in Utah...  Arrrrh, like a pirate.  Then it turned into a growl!  Like a bear! now he's all about it....   What have i begun?!